Friday, October 29, 2010

Love Light, C.N Blue

korea2..!! hehe =)

Sy sbnrye xtau byk pn psl korea ni...
yg tau, citer korea... (em,sbnrnya.. Korea+jepun+taiwan.. xdpt beza pn.hehe)
jd,, byk2.. sy plg suka C.N Blue... n of course,, for their lyrics...
Kump 2PM, Super Junior sume xdpt mnarik minat sy...

Oh, C.N Blue the best!! hehe...

actuali, em.. knal C.N Blue drpd rncgn We Got Married..
rncgn tu plak,, knal drpd husna...
So,, thnks husna!!! hehe..

well,, sape2 nk dgr..
I paste my favourite song kt page ni....
dgr2 la.. n njoy!! =) 

Akukonpi is hepi!! (^.^)


Alhamdulillah.. hari ni sgt berkesempatan mghadap laptop berjam2, berfb, 
n yg plg best.. mengedit blog ku!!! hehe.. 
oopsss.... di smping itu,, ad bka e-learning, stdnt portal sume la..
xde la xigt bljr lgsung..

Hm,, b4 tu.rini ad klas kul 8,arab followed by bio.. Kul 12 tgh hri beli lunch,mkn.. Kelas bio yg ke-2 hri ni.. n almost 2 chap hbis.. Papepn,, suka bljr.. n lg suka klu smpat uat preparation g kelas..  Insya-allah.. weekend ni ley stdy.. tp,
Then trus online... suka2... sy suka online =)

sy sgt syg kt blog sy.. wpn xramai follower, xdkenali, tp.. nilah dia tmpat sy mncurahkn hmpir sgalanya... marah,sedih,gembira... Tp,rsaye. rini mmg sgt best.. Yela,, sblm ni kn cm xde masa nk btol2 edit blog ni.. n once ad msa,, line intrnet plak x mmbrgsgkn.. tp, hari ni. Alhamdulillah.... sy dh edit.. sebaik yg mgkin.. n yg plg pnting... sepuas hti sy.. muahahaha.... =)


Sunday, October 24, 2010

demam meeting?.


Time menaip ni,, tgh bsweater.. demam.... rumate,husna tgh kmas2.. Maklumla tba plg lmbt..
Yg lg 2 plak,, tgk Witch Yoo-Hee.... maafla,, xde mud nk tgok..

Siap btuk2 lg.. Even tgh bring,, xdpt tdo..
bdn dlm rsa pnas.... mata pn smpai mgalir air mata..
Alhamdulillah.. Ujian nk msuk sem 2 ni.hehe///

Induction Rafest 2010.
Overall- 8/10 mrkh.
bgus2... cme... sgt sjuk... aircond.....
then blk bilik,panas... then sjuk...
tgh hari sbtu smpai ke mlm..
pg ahad smpi nk kul 6 ptg...
gle tau, gle,,,
sy disyaki demam...


Dan akhirnya,, yg plg mgecewakan ialah...

org yg sy syg... yg sy hrap..
utk teman msa2 sy cm ni..  


sbb cmburu kt perkara yg xlogik!!
sdey tau...............................
kwn mnta tlg,, pe slhye..
xpe la.
Thanks!!! =(

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kalian, terima ksih

Alhamdulillah msih ad ksmpatan utk berblog..

Hari ni, xde pe sgt yg best.. Cme, bru sdah bca sdikit prkongsian ilmu kt fb..
and b4 tu, tgok 2 epsod LOVE STORY IN HARVARD. Best2.. dh smpai ke klimaks. =)
Rsaye.. citer korea ni plg best kot.. Plg brmanfaat..
Meruntun emosi.. 

Few things i got from it. (Love Story In Harvard)
+ developd my spirits for a future-be doc.
+ get 2 noe how a stdnt suppose to-be. Yela,, ak acik pk tdo,tdo,tdo.. Tu je.
So, i need to move on.. Need to improve. Pk!
Evrythng needs effort.
+ Kejar cita2 dlu bru cinta.? Eh,, xley kot.ak xmmpu.
Tp,, dlm cter ni ak bljr.. Kejar cita2 n bwa CINTA bersama...
Insya-Allah.. Allah permdahkn urusan km... Amin.
+ Kte hdup, dlm society. Ad yg ok,, n ad gk yg ko.
So, beware.and always done good deed..
+ Smile. Smile. Smile.
+ Byk g............

Prkongsian ilmu kt fb tu pn mnarik. Sgt mnarik.. Tp, rsaye.. ak xlayak g nk bkongsi kt sini..
Trlalu byk detail yer.. Tkut tsalah. Cme what i can cnclude is...
+ Kte sdang mghmpiri kiamat. Byk2 kn la beramal..
+ Gna kn la duit utk perkara kebaikan. Jgn lpe utk mlgsaikan hutang2..
+ Sentiasa berdoa. Allah itu Maha Pengampun.
+ Saling berpesan2 di antra 1 sme lain.

Well, smlm ak g Mydin. Tmpt yg ak pnah kerja keras slma sbln sbgi cashier =)
Buat prtama kali yer ak mmbranikn diri tgur bos. Well,, dh xley ngelak. So,, Hye!!
hehe. Best..
+ Bertegur sapa ngn Kak Maria ( Chief Cashier )
+ Jmpa kak fara n abg epul. Wah. msih bsme. Nice. N, kagum.!! Kak fara dh praktikal
kt hosp selayang =)
+ Jmpa kak chik! n her hsbnd dfinitely.. kak chik best! Sporting.
+ xktnggalan... jmpa Vasantha. haha....
+ N,, well. jmpa sume.. Msti. AMIR MANA...??? Kami hot kapel!!??... hehe. =)

Em. So,, thnks kalian!! S.M.I.L.E (^.^)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Friends are the best!


Huah! Saat ni. rindu yer kt sume kwn2..
Sy bru sdah bca blog Mimi.. (b3log kup3arL)
Owhh.. mie,, i mish u!!
Dh lme sgt xcontact,, even its vry hard to find u in fb..
no dh xde.. sim hilang.
I hope,, u'll nver thnk dat i forgt u!
tidak. Never...

Well,, its not only Mimi.. 

I miss all my friendssss!!
+ Im so sorry
+ i'll nver forget all of u
+ u guys are my sweet memories!!..
+ Thnks for all the kindness and our shared moments..

Geng k3R3ngg3!! (*.*)

Gmbr ni time f3. Mjlis graduasi MRSM PDRM Kulim 2007
 aku-pqah mira-ct fatmah-wani

Wah,, syg sgt kt diorg! Wpn muka ak buruk.. tp,xpe2.. hehe.
Ak sgt lme dh x contact diorg. but,, if u girls
step into my blog.
Please. remember. I'll nver forget all of u. Sgt sronok.
Biasa la.. msti ad suka dan duka. but...
I love u girls so much!!.....  

511- MRSM Taiping (^.^)

Gmbr ni 10 Mac 2010.
qilah-wafa-miramil-saidah-syafa-chy-An-timah-mira ad-azza-zack-ainaa-zurin
(nme ni ak taip ikut dsign grup meja takhir dlm klas.hihi)

Antara peristiwa terbaik dlm hdup ak.. Mmuahh3.. hehe.
Thnks... kngn smbtn hari lhir yg terindah uat ak...
Seriusli,, ak xnk sgt igt tpg dlm hdup ak,, but u guys!
Huhu.. Ak xkn ley lupa..

Homeroom KEEN MRSM Taiping 08/09

 Best3!! Byk aktiviti yg uat sme2.. N, ak slaku S/u.(haha) sgt berbngga kerana kami telah mnhadi homeroom terbaik MRSM Taiping utk thun 2009. Well,,
thnk u cgu. Cgu Ruhimi.best2!!  
~ cgu,, ti sy akn cri cgu balek tau! syg sgt kt cgu..

Homeroom SAA - MRSM PDRM Kulim 05-07
fatin mira-aku-rose-ain-triple N-raz-wani-aimi

Em.. Homeroom SAA pn ak xlpe.. Cgu Suliana Md Isa.
Cme,mgkin time tu. bdk2 g.. lower form.. 
so,, xbyk sgt aktviti.. tp.tetap best!
Sy smpan lg teddy yg cgu bg tau!

Byk g.. Tp,, uat masa ni..
Ni je la yg smpat.. hehe

WELL, nk add gk nme2 yg smemgnya pnting slen dlm grup2 td tu...

Qila, Eby, Mimi, Marisa, Ekin, Eiwa, JJ, Nisah, and yg xde.. Jgn terasa hati. I do love u guys!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

my beloved friend, eby to Russia.

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful and The Wise.

Its been a long time, I lost myself. Try to disappear from all of my friends. Try to hate them and forget them. But in reality, i failed. Unable. Unable to sweep all the memories with them from this.. This mind.. 

Why i did this? The only reason is my SPM results. It has been the part of my past but the wound will never ever cured. 7As. embarassing.

Well, Eby is my bestfriend. And Insya-Allah, forever be. She is a great girl with strong determination. I met her in my lower secondary school, MJSC PDRM Kulim. Thank to Allah, we manage to go to the same upper secondary in Taiping. Nevertheless, since then, we've been separated through different classes, busy time and packed schedule. 
In Taiping, i meet with new Eby. She became more focused and determined while me~ flew away with love. And the result is seen now. Eby has travelled far away across the world and hours to Russia and me,myself.. stuck in Malaysia. However, alhamdulillah.. UIA is still a better place for me rather than any high schools or matriks.. MAybe..

 Well, thanks to Facebook. I manage to see her glorious face, the joyful and sweet moment. Yeah. She is in Russia. As a friend, i am very happy for her, and sad for myself. she know her path. To go to Russia, n be a doctor. While me?.. Still confused and blurred around. Exams, everythng.. Just be done as usual.. with no vision or mission... And at last, im alone. Insya-Allah,, i will find my courage. And do something for my goodness.

p/s : We are not so lame as what we think. Explore. Cause, we will be able to grow.