Wednesday, December 8, 2010

mACAm2 ni ...


Byk yer nk citer..
Tp, pape pn, kna hold on dlu. 
Minggu BZ ni... tp still der~~~
++  exam lg!!!

So, i was thinking that i'll wrote all of it,
Insya-Allah during mid sem break!
Watchha!! Best2.. hehe..

Here,i listed what i afford to remember now.N later, nk citer!! hehe

  • RAFEST '10 
  • PRESS sport carnival - Champioonnnn
  • My Swimming Class ( 1st, 2nd and today~ 3rd class!! =)  
  • MEDCY Charity Marathon  - tett,tuutt,toot
  • Bju MEDCY - toitttt =(
  • TOPup bisnes - maju.yeehhaaa!!
  • CB  - hot3!!!
  • ABJZ - catering.
  • Kekuatan yg dipinta.
  • Coming soon~~ SMAC 2010
  • Wedding Kak Arin - hm2...
  • Nk resign ke?. huh!
  • Google Translator..... caya la!!
  • Sir~ Lecturer komp yg sgt best!! HEHE
  • OOhooo... cuba2... calling2.. solehah...

Buat masa ni, tu je la..
Tggu la, ti.. hehe

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Eyh, im fine.


Rsa cm lme sgt x post pape..
Ye ke??.. Tp, besa la tu..

Bknya apa tau..
Kang ble dh rjin nk mengupdate,, acik la pk nk mgupdate.
hehe.. kang bkn stakat mgupdate blog..
abes sume... FB.... Blog org len... mle la mcm2.. =)

Tp,stakat ini. Ketika menaip.
i feel FANTASTIC!!
n super-duper hepi.
Eh, biar betul?.. Rasaye 2-3 hri ni acik mrungut mgantok je..

Mggu lepas, sy tsgt la ok.

stdy masyuk... (smpai minum kopi tau.)
emosi : tip top. (sgt bmotivasi..)
makan : good diet. =)

tp, tu minggu lpas la.. mggu ni HAMPEh..
cepat noh la mood nk bubh..
Aduyai..... kna usaha lebih ni..
Kmbalikan seperti mggu lepas atau lbey baik! =)

NO GAIN, when thers NO PAIn =)

Usaha itu tangga kejyaan.
Zati bolleh.... =)

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Iye, benar
Sy tgh LEADtrain.

tp,skang. sy smpat online lg.hehe
sbb sy gle.
sbb sy malas.
sbb sy tetb terigt kt Akukonpi.
sbb sy mle rsa penat
sbb sy mula cri alasan nk g lewat
sbb sy holiday! haha
sbb sje2

ok la..
dh kena gerak ke AMF

Friday, November 19, 2010

Panjangyer..... 16 Nov++to

Salam. Alhamdulillah...
Masih sihat, tp acik sakit perut (wah.npe guna wrna ni ea?? hehe) since ysterday,today.. n i thnk the next day too..
Xpe la.. Ok je.. skit perut kt umh mmg best.. umahku Syurgaku. hehe.

Sbnarye, sgt lme dh xonline.

Wel,, ad +ve and -ve yer....

+ yela, online.msti baca or tulis blog. at least,im reading.haha.
n define back half part of me dat usuali, L.U.P.A n take it easy for evryhtng.
bad,bad. i am the one who easily be motivate and also demotivate.. (Eh. wjud ke demotivate tu?.. Lantakla.but what i try to say is. snang utk UP, n sng utk DOWN. yuuuhuu,, ni la Izzati. )
+ online buat sy rasa sihat. Why?.. Sy sgt rajin mmbaca artikel2 kesihatan..
ye ke??... yup.yup. ( smile... )
+ sy juga ad online FB. baik ke??... Eyh.. mstila.. since im rarely connected to my old frens.. FB is one of the way to let me noe their news,, story2...
Thnks3!! Utk sume yg rjin mentagged gmbr aktviti kalian... Saya hrgai... =))


- kdg2 leka dgn fb... leka dgn blog...
- oopss!! tuto xuat g??.. hehe.. ni la antra mslh2 yer.. haha...
( alamak. ble la nk stdy ni?.. malash2.. Katil ku sgt super duper best!!! bilik ku.  oh... hehe. )

Nah. tu lah dia....

My Akukonpi........
although im not online, but seriusli. most of time having fun++ whatsoever cndition. i do thnk of u.. rsa cm nk share.. share.. share..
but once again. the poisonous red word previously, stopped me. 
Kalah. Hm, im not strong enough to fight it!. Stop. I lied. 
I hav enough power, well Im super-power (^.^)
but alah.. just giv chances to myself...
bmalasan2..... hahaha..
( rsa bsalah pula. )

So, by this time. tgh online...
rsa tenang.... em.xtenang sgt pn.. Amir demam... =(
nk share la pe yg mampu..
moga2 smbil menaip ni. segera SEDAR DIRI bhwa dh byk gk msa
terbuang... hohoho...

CFS IIUM yg baik hati.
cuti, 16 Nov-21 Nov 2010

16 Nov 2010

- Hari Selasa..

- Ptg tu nk blik.. n seriusli, kelas Arab kul 11-1 tu rsa sgt2 la
xbsmangat.. tp ble ustz kta, sape dh siap ley blek. seriusli,, huish. sgt laju+
kelam kabut mmbuatye.haha.. tp,xde la blek awal pn.. tggu dira..
rilex jap.. tgok jam pn bru kul 12.. so, ok lg la..
- Kelas fizik.. 2-6. mujur xjd. uat 2-4 je..
Malas sbnrye.. balik kelas arab,trus landing atas katil. mndarat baik puye.. haha.Then,time zhur tu ad technician laki.. rumate sy sume yer kelam kabut+ bising2.. nk smbhyg la..kelas kul 2 ni.. kang xsmpat la.. mcm2 la.. mujur kami pose.. so, xde la rushing nk mkn ke pe.. n sy dgn rilex yer.. terbaring...
oh.. itu dia zati.. haha.. bak kta nisa,, zati the coolest. hehe.//
Then,papepn. siap agk awal. 1.35ptg. n lgu Hero Heroine- Boys like Girls brbunyi.... Msg from Dira. Kelas cncel!!! Wow. pe lg trus balik la..
- xde la blek trus. tcet Medcy hilang =( cri jap kt  blik dobi.
- g antr tuto fizik, amik buku outing..
- tmpang syaza smpai kt depan ppum. hujan sgt lebat!! family dia ajak tmpang. bcoz diorg pn nk ke mlaka.. tp, segan la sy. gpn,, rndu kt bas....
haha.. DELIMA dh xde. METROBUS. ok gk!! =P
- sgt bhgia bertravel sorg2.. org ramai. sesak dlm LRT... papepn,mujur.
I love to be alone.. travel.. shoping... n klu nk duo pn. ngn Amir je..
   Ok. TRAVEL time..
ntah. bkn sbb blagak, bdget indie or pe.. TAPI... em. prefer alone or the only exception is Amir Ridwan. for exmple, ad skali tu kuar rmai2 g Msjd India-Jln TAR-sogo... ( dear rumates, i never blamed u girls k.!! )
Rasa srba salah ble sesak.. rsa srba slah ble jammed.. rsa srba salah ble tba2 kt touch n go uat prob,n tpksa queue bli.. Sgt srba slh ble kte hmpir trlepas tren blik Uia.. Ntah... rsa srba salah.. xtau la pe diorg rsa... but,as for me. sgt rasa bsalah. it seems like all d inconvenient matter are caused by me. n Finally. it ends up dgn dlm hti ni kurang epi wpn of course epi kuar ngn rumate.. bsfren...
Tp, ble dgn Amir. Its totally different..
Huahh... Sdenli. i mish u syg!!!
Ble dgn amir, di ibratkan sprti. ok, dis is time to buat salah. to learn from mstakes.. he encourages me all-d way.. suka2!! Tu yg btmbh syg... hehe..
Msti org pelik kn.. Dlu, ne la ad nk berlebey2 sgt ni.. Tp, ngn amir. lantakla pe org nk kta.. korg nk kutuk??.. Kutuk la smpai berbuih mulut tu..
Yg pnting.
* Family Amir tau, n fmli sy pn tau tntg hbgn km.
* Km mrncang utk brkhwin pd 10 Januari 2020.
Insya allah, jika msih pnjg umur.. ad jdoh.. dunia msih xkiamat..
* Km bahagia!! sejak brkenalan pd 10 MAc 2008 n bkasih pd 18 Nov 2008 shingga kini... =)  Insya- Allah......

Huuhh.. Pnjg yer membebel?.. Haha...
- Akhirya tiba umah dlm kul 7.45 mlm.. yela, sok yer tu kn nk raya..
meneman ibu beli santan la, mcm2.. mlm tu, kna kuar lg.hehe. sbab nk uat agar2 milo.kna la g beli bahan2 ye.. =)

17 Nov 2010

- Hari Rabu. a.k.a Hari Raya Aidiladha..
- Em, dlm hati ni kesal gk.. sbb x uat prsiapan sgt nk mymbut hri rya ni..
Tu pun, time post mortem Rafest '10, Kak Sharina gtau psl hari wukuf. Klu x, mmg xpose la.. xtau.. xcri mklumat pn.. Em.nseb bek la pg raya tu.. adik online, smpat la cilok jap.. sunat2 yg bley dlakukan..
- Bahgia btakbir di Surau IPD. =)
Brtmbh bhgia,dgn ibu,adik2,, ++ bjmpa Kak Fara.. =)
- Mkn lemang+daging je.. Kt umah,, lauk lain dh tsedia.. alhamdulillah... bhgia2!!!!
- N, pling bhgia.. Amir dtg.. hehe...
Jap2. nk upload gmbr.. =)

Hm.. kabur2.. yela, si wawa yg tgkp. =P

Ni, ak yg tgkp! hoho. buruk yer ak+tdungku. xpe. janji epi!!  =)

Heehee.. Epi sgt amir dtg... Serius!! huahh..
Smpai ibu pn kta.eh2 diorg dua ni.. Pakat ke??,,,,
( Msti la ibu! atie yg paksa amir ni pkai bju mlayu.. hehe )
Alip plak kta.. xley bg chance ni kt diorg.. cm bru khwin plak!!!
( alah.. sebok la kmu. bkn snang nk mkn smeja bdua.. hehe )
Wawa bkata,, meh wa tgkp gmbr atie ngn abg amir!!
( Oh, thnks adikku cyg! hehe )

Time balik, ad la bekalkn sikit mknan.. Kuah kcang.. lodeh.. aym,++ agar2 milo khas utk amir.. hehe. Tp, cian dia =(
Dhla blek lewat sikit sbb ujan lebat. ( well,its a bless.dpt smbang lme2 )..
tp, tpksa blek gk.. sbb ptg tu dh kna btolak ke KMJ blek.. N, finali.. ble dh reda sikit.. amir blek.. tp within a minute. trus hujan lebat... skang ni msti tgh bselimut+bsweater kt KMJ.. dmam.. huhu.... sori..... atie hrap amir positive k. =)

Then..... tsnyum la sy spnjg hri shngga dpt tau amir demam....

18 Nov 2010

- Khamis. a.k.a
AmirZati's 2nd aniversary.....
First n foremost.. alhamdulillah...
Hooray!! Yeay!!!! hehe....
Cme, xdpt nk clebrate sgt coz amir dmam truk =(
Papepn, thnks ea syg.. dh btok2,selsema.. still sudi nk uat SS mlm tu..

- Yg slebihnya, tdo... ( Knon2 tman Amir. hehe. ) Bring.. tgok citer korea kot?. ah.jepun ke, sme je la.. dh mata 1 line.. hihi.
Citer baby and Me. best3!! xrugi. berbaloi...
- then,ad chat2 sikit ngn syafiq.. ++ smbang2 ngn ibu psl 2 pojek besar naik cuti ni. Thnks ibu!! sbab saport.. 

Wah3.. dh kul bpe ni??... Eish3.. sok diorg sek,, xiron bju lg ni.. hehe..
Malas yer hai.. adik2 ku... dhla korg ni split 3 sek.. kang dh belok knan, kna uat roundabut turn.. pastu, kna patah blek lg... aduyai...
nseb bek pg2, archuleta,bieber,faber drive, artis2 korea sume teman.. bru smgt nk drive.. hehe...

Ok la.ok. Thats all for today. hehe.
Pasni,sy nk stdy. OOpss.. i mean. tgh hari sok la...
tuto pn dh downlod.. so.  dsebbkn sy tgh tsnyum...
sy nk share...

Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when 
we smile at it.

If you don't start out the day with a smile, it's not too late to start practicing for tomorrow.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Please do concern. I dislike those differences.
(Hm, not reali.maybe. huh! konpius)


ska msg / xska msg
xska kol / ska kol
optimist / pesimist
cool / passionate
cerewet kt mknan / sgt suka mknan
coklat / raspberi+vanilla
respons slow / over reactions
jealousy / confusing
patience / hot-tempered
at d end. the equality is.

( Ye ke amir?? )

Well,, Marriage?.

Classic Wedding Jokes from Best Man Speeches

  1. A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
  2. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
  3. To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
  4. To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot & not try to understand her at all.
  5. Married men live longer than single men, but married men are a lot more willing to die.
  6. Any married man should forget his mistakes, there's no use in two people remembering the same thing.
  7. Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.
    Women somehow deteriorate during the night.
  8. A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't .
    A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
  9. A woman has the last word in any argument.
    Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
  10. There are 2 times when a man doesn't understand a woman - before marriage and after marriage.

ak xtdo g?.

With the name of Allah..
(Alamak, ble igt Allah. straight rsa bsalah sbab mlyn sgt prasaan td..)

Hm.xpe la.. Let me finish.
Skang ni kul 3.56 pg dh. 13 Nov 2010.
Sbnarye td sgt penat.. Jga stall ONE STOP CENTRE~ FSCC.
Well,xde la teruk sgt pn.. but, standing+waiting+washing all the mgkuk2,periuk2,brmcm jnis bekas is quite tiring..
However, Alhamdulillah...
Evrythng runs smoothly n d most important thing is,

Npe?... Sbb nk cuba hilgkn kekusutan kt pale ni.
Smlm, ad gi talk organised by MEDCY entitled,
It's All About Adam And Eve..
Well, for those who are not really involved in Rafest,
they surely will think sort of love,male,female stories..
But,the truth is, the organiser try to reveal the real facts about s*x education in Islam.... To concern, ++++
N,seriusli. They have chose the best speaker~ Ust Shaari.
Suka2.. wpn ptotye ad meeting FSCC, still gk nk pegi.. ( Alhamdulillah.meeting cancel!! hehe) N, add++ Wife dia pn ad skali.. Wah.. sweet sgt...
Xsabar nk khwin!! ~ huish. hot statement. =)

Tau x, sbnrye.. byk bnda nk uat time weeknd...
I love weekend!!! 
Sbb rsaye, time weekend ni la ley cover notes
(dhla sem ni byk gler subjek mghafal~ sastera.. )
lecture bio,, tutorials,, reports,,, revision...
Not forgotten, tdo teramat sgt paling sungguh LENA+LAMA..
N, ble dh involve utk Bazaar...
sy tsgt2 la runsing....
cmne ni??... nk bhgi msa...??
Ok.. tp. krg kuantiti bg sy sama la krg kualiti.
Seriusli, kte xley pilih kuantiti atau kualiti. 
Both are really importants!!! Pk2 kn la....~~~~

Okeyh. Dsebabkan itu, tp kini. berblog la plak yeh??..
Sy ni dh x btoi ka?.. huhu..
Tp, nk uat cmne?.. i reali cant sleep.
N, i cant stdy too....
Otak xley nk focus. ( Ni alasan kemalasan ke?. Ntahla. )
xpe la...

There is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at, and who steals what is most precious to men:  time.  ~Napoleon I, Maxims, 1815 

Ok2. Masa itu emas.
Sy akan berusaha........
Zati, kuatkn smgt. Kuat,kuat,

Thursday, November 11, 2010

10 Nov 2010- u're 18 syg.. =)


First of all,, sori2.. Especially to my dearest Amir Ridwan...
sgt xsempat nk buka lappy.. Malas pn ad gk sbnrye..
( Well,,ble free je sgt2 la prefer utk bgayut ngn amir.. )

so,, dis post. Wpn dh agak trlmbat.. tp xkira. nk jugak uat!!!
Dis post,,, especially for my syg....
Yg mymbut hari lhirnya pd 10 Nov..
( Well, km lahir pd 10hb cme sy terkuar awl.hua3... )

So, here u r...

Amir Ridwan
+ epi bsday!! ( Well,its kinda belated now.. )
+ stdy hard.. strive,strive, excell!! yiihaaaaa....
+ xmo ngajuk2 slalu....
+ jga ksihatan.. Say NO to diet.hehe ( alamak,terkantoi la plak ea??.. )
+ jd anak soleh, plajar rajin +++ bf yg plg best!! (plg pnting.hehe)
+ Last but not least, i love u!!... ( Sori,, kte tgh bcakap kt fon,, n atie curi masa 5min jap uat post ni... Msti amir dh salah fhm kn??... hehe )

Ni dia,, gmbr cyg sy!! (xde gmbr trbaru la.. dh hmpir 2 bln xjmpa.. since Raya Ke-3.. huhuhuu..... )

~~~~ ti la... Amir dh ngajuk ni...~~~~

Friday, November 5, 2010

sorry dear Akukonpi, i need my deaaary.

Believe it or not,
yes. sharing is caring.
But not all the things are meant to be shared.
need my time to-be alone.
Only this time.
Need to fix it.
as soon as it'l be better.

Here i come again.

sy stuju!

well, td mrjinkn diri bc blog Ahmad Sharil.
interesting. n in fact, it become more interesting
as i noticed that he was born on 8 March.
haha,,,, what the heck with his bfdy rite?..
But well, its up to me.
suka hti la. hoho..

Well, di sini.. sy nk copy link blog dia.
di mana sy rsa post ni plg mantap,kejam,n jujur!

To: Ahmad Sharil.
Maaf yer, mncuri link kmu.
xpe2.. promote.hehe.

n thnks.. coz dis post simplify all my thoughts!

:: Flabbergasted Burble

A Millionaire's First Love

Huk3.. Assalamualaikum...
Hari ni Deepavali, cuti! ( sy suka cuti.hehe )
Bru sudah tgok MOVIE!!!!
Sgt2 best. xtipu....
N ni yg mmbuatkn sy ter rajin nk kongsi kt blog.hii..
ad spe2 pnah tgok ke??.... sdey2.... serius...

A Millionaire's First Love
+ Movie. Duration : 2 jam ( Tp rsa cm tgok skejap.. berbaloi tgok!!.. )
+ Plot cerita yg simple tp, cerita cinta bkn streotaip.. Byk moment2 yg mningglkn kenangan kpd penonton ( cewaaahhh.. )
+ Scara rngkas, lelaki ni jd 'angkuh' dgn kekayaan harta wrisan. ble dia 18, dia kna g ke 1 kwsn pdlmn.kt situ, dia bljr sikit2.. erti pshbtn,n plg pnting.. mghrgai sesuatu.. Bknalan ngn prmpuan ni, yg sdg mnunggu saat kmatian.. n then, rpa2 ye. itu kekasih lme dia, time dia kcik2. dia lpekn tmpt tu,prmpuan tu sbb parents dia accdnt n mati. Then, wpn agk trlmbt... tp msih mneruskn khdpn dgn baik.. They hav been waiting until the next snow,, n.. akhirnya.........
jeng2.... tgok sndiri la!!! =) tgok,jgn xtgok!!.. hehe
+ Rating : full mark. 10.

p/s : sape2 yg ad kt uia ni ha... nk tgok, just text me msg k. bwa pndrive skali.. free.. Let we learn the meaning of life together.. cewaah... hehe (^.^)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Love with no reason, fight.

Lady: Why do you like me..? Why do you love me?

Man : I can't tell the reason. But I really like you...

Lady : You can't even tell me the reason... how can you say you like me? How can you say you love me?

Man : I really don't know the reason, but I can prove that I love you.

Lady : Proof? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but not you!

Man : Ok..ok!!! Erm... because you are beautiful,

because your voice is sweet,

because you are caring,

because you are loving,

because you are thoughtful,

because of your smile,

because of your every movements.

The lady felt very satisfied with the man's answer.


Unfortunately, a few days later, the Lady met with an accident and went into the coma stage.

The Guy then placed a letter by her side, and here is the content:


Because of your sweet voice that I love you...Now can you talk? No! Therefore I cannot love you.

Because of your care and concern that I like you...Now that you cannot show them, therefore I cannot love you.

Because of your smile, because of your every movement that I love you...Now can you smile? Now can you move?

No, therefore, I cannot love you.

If love needs a reason, like now, there is no reason for me to love you anymore.

Does love need a reason? NO!

Therefore, I still love you...And love doesn't need a reason

With love always,

Forever yours.


Relationships are hard to handle......might even seem impossible at times.
There will be many fights and many quarrels,

many disagreements and many tears.....

The easiest thing would be to give up.

But if we spent half the energy we use in fighting with each other,

and spend that energy in fighting to keep the relationship strong, then that is love……

Remember, in a relationship, giving up is not the solution Disagreements, fights and quarrels will always be there.

But you must always fight harder to stay together.

Some fights are truly worth fighting!


ok, u reali did it.
n, u'll regret.

im crying not bcoz of u.
but im happy.
i am free from u.

Spend time.

Just a thought ....

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.

SON: "Daddy, may I ask you a question?" 
DAD: "Yeah sure, what is it?" replied the man. 
SON: "Daddy, how much do you make an hour?"
DAD: "That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?" the man said angrily.
SON: "I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?" 
DAD: "If you must know, I make RM 80 an hour."
SON: "Oh," the little boy replied, with his head down.
SON: "Daddy, may I please borrow RM 20?"

The father was furious, "If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I work hard everyday for such this childish behavior."

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.

The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?

After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that RM 20 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.

"Are you asleep, son?" He asked.
"No daddy, I'm awake," replied the boy.
"I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier" said the man.
"It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the RM 20 you asked for."

The little boy sat straight up, smiling. "Oh, thank you daddy!" He yelled.

Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.
The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.

"Why do you want more money if you already have some?" the father grumbled.

"Because I didn't have enough, but now I do," the little boy replied.
" Daddy, I have RM 80 now. Can I buy an hour of your time?
Please come home early tomorrow I would like to have dinner with you"

The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness.

It's just a short reminder to all of us who working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts.

Do remember to share that RM 80 or RM 1000 worth of your time with someone you love or somebody who loves you.

If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for,could easily replace us in a matter of days.

But the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to our family. It not rasional at all. Hence, Always find time to spend with our loved ones even when we r busy... So that we will not regret and lived in vain.

 Now, call or msg ur loved one. n tell them, how important they are in ur life. 

Be honest

A boy and a girl were playing together. The boy had a collection
of marbles. The girl had some sweets with her. The boy told the girl that 
he will give her all his marbles in exchange for her sweets. The girl agreed.
But the boy kept the biggest and the most beautiful marble aside and 
gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her sweets as she had
promised. That night, the girl slept peacefully. But the boy couldn't sleep
as he kept wondering if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the 
way he had hidden his best marble.

Moral of the story: 
If you don't give your hundred percent in a relationship, you'll always 
keep doubting if the other person has given his/her hundred percent.. 
This is applicable for any relationship. Give your hundred percent to 
everything you do and sleep peacefully. But however, LOVE is not as 
easy as ABC.The best time to put your trust is after getting married. Nevertheless, commitment ismore than enough when we are 
in a relationship.


I am sorry to think that you do not get a man's most effective criticism until you provoke him. Severe truth is expressed with some bitterness.

Sometimes I wish you would pay attention to my favorite songs, because the lyrics they sing are the words I really want to say.

And that's just it, I can't imagine anyone else after you...

The last love letter (?)

I love you not because of who you are but because of who i am when i am with you.
Love is like a relaxing substance for every heart which brings a stimulating effects in our
body and soul. Thanks to you for giving me once, but here alone. Im sick.

I forget a lot of things because you take up most of the space in my memory.
I hope that oneday you'll realize that my love for you was really pure and true.
I don't want you to go back where you've started but i just wanna let you know that
you will never find someone like me anymore.

Well, It's sad that there's no more US now.
But I'm glad that for ONCE you were part of me,
n forever are mine.

Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.

maybe ad kbnaran n maybe x..
Tp, semua yg brlaku ktntuan dr Nya..
Klu nk argue tntg diri sndiri.
Salahkn diri sndiri je la kot.....
Sbabye, kte mampu kawal....

xbsmgt? sdey? kecewa?.. xde mud...?
pcaya la. tu sume bgntung kt diri kte..
Cri la secebis kekuatan yg msih ad dlm diri..
Develop kekuatan tu. N brusaha...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

SEM 1 vs SEM 2?? sibuk sgt ke?


Sibuk sgt ke??.. Ye la kot. mmg terasa bahang ksibukan sem 2 ni.
klu nk di compare kn.. Sbjek2 ternyata sem 2 menang.. Dgn jumlah subjek lg byk
++ dgn holiday yg memnjg... ( Tp sy suka cuti )

Ok,, kt sini sy nk list kn subjek2 sy. Mudah utk uat penilaian.. hee.

SEM 1, 2010/2011
+ Math 1
+ Chemistry 1
+ Arab Part 1
+ English Level 6 ( 9jam tau kelas sminggu. pengsan2 )

Manakala,, di sini plak ialah subjek bru... uwaaaaaaaaaa.......

SEM 2, 2010/2011
+ Physics 1 ( sbjek plg unfevret. )
+ Biology 1 ( suka2!! tp sPM b+. Down sikit nk stdy )
+ Arab Part 2 ( Lecturer foreigner. Interesting!! )
+ Computer 1 ( Risau2.. )
+ Understanding Islam - FIM ( sgt2 bmasalah..... heissss )
+ Fardhu Ain ( stiap hri jum,kul 12-3. sy nk blk umh!!! )

Hehe.. itu la dia.. Jd cmne??.... Tp, xpe... sy MAMPU BERTAHAN.
Insya-Allah... Moga2 allah sntiasa memberi sy kekuatan dan 
mmprmudhkn urusan sy. Amin.

Tp,, Alhamdulillah,, rsa ok lg. CUMA lectrer fizik xmsuk g. wpn ni dh minggu ke-2, comp plak, kjap g ni je ha.... kul 3ptg. ( Wah,mympat ye sy berblog.rajin x?... hehe ) fardhu ain pn xmle lg.... Then, yg lain.. seperti biasa... =)

sy, bharap smgt stdy xkn luntur....
wpn, mlm td ( akceli dh pg.dlm kul 1 ) terberangan....
pg td,, kekrgn mud....


BUKAN ITU SAHAJA,,, kini, sdg giat berlatih BOLA TAMPAR.
suka2.. sgt rndu nk men.... well, ti la cter psl b.tmpr...
n, sy juga involve sbgi subcom utk PUB PRO bg RAFST '10.....
Moga2. semua urusan bjln lncar!! =)

to : My dearest, Amir Ridwan.
Sy syg awk.
Slalu igt awk.
Tp,skang ni. Awk dh jd 'bio' sy jgak.
Jgn sdey.
I'll nver leave u.

Here MY LAPPY! (^.^)


Obviously, im relieved.... well,, Here's MY LAPPY..
Miss it so much.. Ek eleh.. kwn pnjm bru 2 hari pn dh taching lebey.hehe.
Em,xde la.. xkesah pn bpe lme nk pnjm. Cma, kbtulan smasa dpnjam..
Bgitu byk la perkara yg berlaku shingga im desperately wish to share it in this.


hehe.. smile, smile, smile..............=)
oH!! SY SUKA HATI.... keh3....

Friday, October 29, 2010

Love Light, C.N Blue

korea2..!! hehe =)

Sy sbnrye xtau byk pn psl korea ni...
yg tau, citer korea... (em,sbnrnya.. Korea+jepun+taiwan.. xdpt beza pn.hehe)
jd,, byk2.. sy plg suka C.N Blue... n of course,, for their lyrics...
Kump 2PM, Super Junior sume xdpt mnarik minat sy...

Oh, C.N Blue the best!! hehe...

actuali, em.. knal C.N Blue drpd rncgn We Got Married..
rncgn tu plak,, knal drpd husna...
So,, thnks husna!!! hehe..

well,, sape2 nk dgr..
I paste my favourite song kt page ni....
dgr2 la.. n njoy!! =) 

Akukonpi is hepi!! (^.^)


Alhamdulillah.. hari ni sgt berkesempatan mghadap laptop berjam2, berfb, 
n yg plg best.. mengedit blog ku!!! hehe.. 
oopsss.... di smping itu,, ad bka e-learning, stdnt portal sume la..
xde la xigt bljr lgsung..

Hm,, b4 tu.rini ad klas kul 8,arab followed by bio.. Kul 12 tgh hri beli lunch,mkn.. Kelas bio yg ke-2 hri ni.. n almost 2 chap hbis.. Papepn,, suka bljr.. n lg suka klu smpat uat preparation g kelas..  Insya-allah.. weekend ni ley stdy.. tp,
Then trus online... suka2... sy suka online =)

sy sgt syg kt blog sy.. wpn xramai follower, xdkenali, tp.. nilah dia tmpat sy mncurahkn hmpir sgalanya... marah,sedih,gembira... Tp,rsaye. rini mmg sgt best.. Yela,, sblm ni kn cm xde masa nk btol2 edit blog ni.. n once ad msa,, line intrnet plak x mmbrgsgkn.. tp, hari ni. Alhamdulillah.... sy dh edit.. sebaik yg mgkin.. n yg plg pnting... sepuas hti sy.. muahahaha.... =)


Sunday, October 24, 2010

demam meeting?.


Time menaip ni,, tgh bsweater.. demam.... rumate,husna tgh kmas2.. Maklumla tba plg lmbt..
Yg lg 2 plak,, tgk Witch Yoo-Hee.... maafla,, xde mud nk tgok..

Siap btuk2 lg.. Even tgh bring,, xdpt tdo..
bdn dlm rsa pnas.... mata pn smpai mgalir air mata..
Alhamdulillah.. Ujian nk msuk sem 2 ni.hehe///

Induction Rafest 2010.
Overall- 8/10 mrkh.
bgus2... cme... sgt sjuk... aircond.....
then blk bilik,panas... then sjuk...
tgh hari sbtu smpai ke mlm..
pg ahad smpi nk kul 6 ptg...
gle tau, gle,,,
sy disyaki demam...


Dan akhirnya,, yg plg mgecewakan ialah...

org yg sy syg... yg sy hrap..
utk teman msa2 sy cm ni..  


sbb cmburu kt perkara yg xlogik!!
sdey tau...............................
kwn mnta tlg,, pe slhye..
xpe la.
Thanks!!! =(

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kalian, terima ksih

Alhamdulillah msih ad ksmpatan utk berblog..

Hari ni, xde pe sgt yg best.. Cme, bru sdah bca sdikit prkongsian ilmu kt fb..
and b4 tu, tgok 2 epsod LOVE STORY IN HARVARD. Best2.. dh smpai ke klimaks. =)
Rsaye.. citer korea ni plg best kot.. Plg brmanfaat..
Meruntun emosi.. 

Few things i got from it. (Love Story In Harvard)
+ developd my spirits for a future-be doc.
+ get 2 noe how a stdnt suppose to-be. Yela,, ak acik pk tdo,tdo,tdo.. Tu je.
So, i need to move on.. Need to improve. Pk!
Evrythng needs effort.
+ Kejar cita2 dlu bru cinta.? Eh,, xley kot.ak xmmpu.
Tp,, dlm cter ni ak bljr.. Kejar cita2 n bwa CINTA bersama...
Insya-Allah.. Allah permdahkn urusan km... Amin.
+ Kte hdup, dlm society. Ad yg ok,, n ad gk yg ko.
So, beware.and always done good deed..
+ Smile. Smile. Smile.
+ Byk g............

Prkongsian ilmu kt fb tu pn mnarik. Sgt mnarik.. Tp, rsaye.. ak xlayak g nk bkongsi kt sini..
Trlalu byk detail yer.. Tkut tsalah. Cme what i can cnclude is...
+ Kte sdang mghmpiri kiamat. Byk2 kn la beramal..
+ Gna kn la duit utk perkara kebaikan. Jgn lpe utk mlgsaikan hutang2..
+ Sentiasa berdoa. Allah itu Maha Pengampun.
+ Saling berpesan2 di antra 1 sme lain.

Well, smlm ak g Mydin. Tmpt yg ak pnah kerja keras slma sbln sbgi cashier =)
Buat prtama kali yer ak mmbranikn diri tgur bos. Well,, dh xley ngelak. So,, Hye!!
hehe. Best..
+ Bertegur sapa ngn Kak Maria ( Chief Cashier )
+ Jmpa kak fara n abg epul. Wah. msih bsme. Nice. N, kagum.!! Kak fara dh praktikal
kt hosp selayang =)
+ Jmpa kak chik! n her hsbnd dfinitely.. kak chik best! Sporting.
+ xktnggalan... jmpa Vasantha. haha....
+ N,, well. jmpa sume.. Msti. AMIR MANA...??? Kami hot kapel!!??... hehe. =)

Em. So,, thnks kalian!! S.M.I.L.E (^.^)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Friends are the best!


Huah! Saat ni. rindu yer kt sume kwn2..
Sy bru sdah bca blog Mimi.. (b3log kup3arL)
Owhh.. mie,, i mish u!!
Dh lme sgt xcontact,, even its vry hard to find u in fb..
no dh xde.. sim hilang.
I hope,, u'll nver thnk dat i forgt u!
tidak. Never...

Well,, its not only Mimi.. 

I miss all my friendssss!!
+ Im so sorry
+ i'll nver forget all of u
+ u guys are my sweet memories!!..
+ Thnks for all the kindness and our shared moments..

Geng k3R3ngg3!! (*.*)

Gmbr ni time f3. Mjlis graduasi MRSM PDRM Kulim 2007
 aku-pqah mira-ct fatmah-wani

Wah,, syg sgt kt diorg! Wpn muka ak buruk.. tp,xpe2.. hehe.
Ak sgt lme dh x contact diorg. but,, if u girls
step into my blog.
Please. remember. I'll nver forget all of u. Sgt sronok.
Biasa la.. msti ad suka dan duka. but...
I love u girls so much!!.....  

511- MRSM Taiping (^.^)

Gmbr ni 10 Mac 2010.
qilah-wafa-miramil-saidah-syafa-chy-An-timah-mira ad-azza-zack-ainaa-zurin
(nme ni ak taip ikut dsign grup meja takhir dlm klas.hihi)

Antara peristiwa terbaik dlm hdup ak.. Mmuahh3.. hehe.
Thnks... kngn smbtn hari lhir yg terindah uat ak...
Seriusli,, ak xnk sgt igt tpg dlm hdup ak,, but u guys!
Huhu.. Ak xkn ley lupa..

Homeroom KEEN MRSM Taiping 08/09

 Best3!! Byk aktiviti yg uat sme2.. N, ak slaku S/u.(haha) sgt berbngga kerana kami telah mnhadi homeroom terbaik MRSM Taiping utk thun 2009. Well,,
thnk u cgu. Cgu Ruhimi.best2!!  
~ cgu,, ti sy akn cri cgu balek tau! syg sgt kt cgu..

Homeroom SAA - MRSM PDRM Kulim 05-07
fatin mira-aku-rose-ain-triple N-raz-wani-aimi

Em.. Homeroom SAA pn ak xlpe.. Cgu Suliana Md Isa.
Cme,mgkin time tu. bdk2 g.. lower form.. 
so,, xbyk sgt aktviti.. tp.tetap best!
Sy smpan lg teddy yg cgu bg tau!

Byk g.. Tp,, uat masa ni..
Ni je la yg smpat.. hehe

WELL, nk add gk nme2 yg smemgnya pnting slen dlm grup2 td tu...

Qila, Eby, Mimi, Marisa, Ekin, Eiwa, JJ, Nisah, and yg xde.. Jgn terasa hati. I do love u guys!
