Bismillah. Assalamualaikum :)
Alhamdulillah, keje siap dah. so, i grab this oppurtunity nk share about my new challenge. a new risk! * xnk la anggap as a problem.
Well, teka la pasal apa..???
Okay, kelmarin, on Monday ad short briefing for Pharmacy students. dgn berat hatinya, pun pergi lah. And syukur tak uat perangai malas nk g. sbb briefing tu during lunch hour 1-2pm. Gilaaa.
Hot gila kot discussion during briefing tu.
Okay, streamlining process dh makin dekat. Skang ni la, masing2 akan amik peluang nk tukar dri Pmcy ke Medic or Denti? n ad juga yg nk stay. Apa2 pun, tiga2 critical courses ni. KOMPEM!! dpt scholarship JPA.
Ok, ak? Berada kt Pmcy skang ni bkn sbb nk Pmacy tp sbb nk Denti. Cuma, GREAT RISK la klu ak nk further bnda tu.
Bebdk pmacy skang ad 168 org. n seat kt main campus ad 135org. Medic 120org. n dentistry HANYA 43 org SAHAJA. okay, ulang ye. 43 orang!!
Utk Medic , Denti ad interview. tp klu spe2 yg stay Pmacy, xde interview. Minta, CGPA lepas. SAH2!! jd bdk Pmacy, siap dpt scholarship bg spe yg masih xdpt la skang..
Minggu depan, akan start keluar borang2. Kalau ak nk tukar Denti, kiranya. ak akan amik borang MERAH. First choice Denti n automatic Pmacy jd 2nd choice. Then, kena tunggu dia kuarkn shortlist nama spe2 yg layak di interview. Klu xlayak intrview, sah2 la ZERO chances nk g utk Denti. Okay, klu dipanggil utk intrview. Based on curent CGPA. Then, kena submit sekali result SPM. kena refer Ko-ku marks, n last but not least. appearance la.. N semestinya, what matters the most is during ur interview! n result SPM la kn?? sbb klu CGPA xlepas, sah2 la x dipggil utk intrview.
Otherwise, nk stay Pmacy. Amik borang BIRU. insya-Allah, Bro Fadil kata kompem dapat klu CGPA lepas. Insya-Allah la, dapat. Klu nk stay Pmacy tu. Ura-ura nya, dri 168org, ad 30++ yg xlepas CGPA minimum 3.50. so, mgkin tggal 135 cukup2 je. n for sure, akan ad yg nk g utk medic. n utk denti. so, mmg lepas la kn?? ni klu Pmacy tu first choice la..
Okay, great risk tu. bila, dh dipnggil utk interview. tp, x dipilih utk denti. So, kte akan trun ke 2nd choice, Pmacy. n, org2 yg stay kt Pmacy tu dh cukup. Although CGPA kte lg tinggi dri dia, yg kt rank 135. tp kte still xkn dipilih sbb KOP(Kulliyah of Pharmacy) kt main camp tu.. xnk course ni di-second-class kn. Sbb tu Pmacy xde intrview! Sbb tu, spe FIRST CHOICE PMACY, kmpem2 dpt!
N, klu spe yg interview minta tukar xdpt, Pmacy plak time tu dh penuh. Or dia dh start invite bdk lain. So, akan dicampak ke course2 cm BIOSC or NURSING. Allied pun xley. sbb diorg pun nk kena streamlining gk. n akan ad 30++ yg dibuang, dicampak dri course tu masuk nursing. Nauzubillah!
Ottoke, ottoke?
oh, btw. nk tambah sikit. Current stdent denti skang 58 kot. n ad dlm 7-8org xlayak. apa2 pun, dh tolak. still exceed quota 43 org tu kan??? n ramai gk rupanya bebdk pmacy yg nk ke denti. n even bebdk medic sis pun nk tukar denti?? bebdk fast track, yg amik one-year programme lagi. Competition!!!!
* seriusli, time tulis ni xde la runsing2, nk pening2 ke apa. Sbb rsa mmg nk try utk Denti. tp bnda ni bkn ley uat main2. xley ikut perasaan. Kena pk PRO & CONS nyer.. Kang kena campak gi NURSING???? Ya Allah. mmg lari kuar gi Mesir la. nk g Tanta! HAHA. mcm la duit ad. okay, klu duit xde, trus amik SPA je la. KEJE. huhu. isk3.. sedih plak~~
Bro Fadhil tu ad mentioned. cm taon lepas, x se-compete taon ni. bkn nk kata batch taon lepas xpandai. BUKAN. cuma, mgkin taon ni, jumlah ktorg lebih ramai... klu dlu, even CGPA 3.33 ad yg dijemput masuk Pmacy. Mksdnya xcukup org la kn?? Tp this time, sape yg dpt CGPA 3.5, 3.6 & 3.7 dh kena warning supaya berhati2! Dush! Ak ni ala, cikai 3.8 je pun.. Bkn 4.0plat setiap sem..
Berat. berat. berat. Tu la. Kang ikut hati, mati. Ikut rasa, binasa. Ecehhh.
Macam mana??
Play safe? or amik RISK?
Papepn, sdg berdoa.. Moga dipermudahkan~~
Doakan sy!
Ehmmm, pening ni Zati, aku pun macam pening macam mana nk buat sebab benda ni really deal with the future. So play safe is preferable sebab of course FAR WORSE jd nurse sebab kau memang TK LAYAK JADI NURSE hahaha, please, budak pandai tkkan nk tolong doktor je kot, in fact, kau lagi pandai kot dari doktor. Tp is it really risky? Tu kena tanya diri sendiri sebab macam kita belajar probability kita kena consider semua factor esp COMPETITON part tu. Aku yakin Koko kau sngt sngt mantap, so does kau ada record kepimpinan yg gemilang 9 chewahh) tp atas kau lah. Berapa CGPA? Banyak lagi ke org lagi tinggi? kalau cgpa kau among the top, then why not risking this for the sake of future happiness? No one wants to work things they dont like, and everyone wants to do the things the love to do. So aku rasa after considering factors esp competition, Insyallah kau boleh buat keputusan. So again, consider competition, look at your surrounding, take note your competitors and r u in the safe zone. If u r in danger zone because they are a lot more poeple achieve higher cgpa then I wouls say no since biosc and nursing dont even cross ur mind right? But then again, I believe u have startling appearance and enchanting personality and the fact u r really active outside curriculum, I think, will largely add to that value. But again im not in right position to pick, neither im trying to preach u into choosing just giving a surface insights into the shoes u r wearing right now. :) Update me with ur later decision ok! Haha
ReplyDeleteThnks pokjat! at the moment, i guess. im ready to fight. for the first time ever, ill try my really best since i left out the chance during spm. pray for me! :))