Bismillah. Assalamualaikum :)
Oh, ye. esok ak exam. tp still nk update blog. kononnya la 12.30-1.30ptg ni rehat. Konon la. walhal dhla bangun kul 11. sob2~~
Okay. xnak sedih2. Biasa la ad naik turun? so, nk hepi sikit. THE VOW~~~~!!!!!!
xsabar nya nk tengok. Dpt tau cter ni wktu balik rumah bbrapa hari yg lepas. tgk ntv7 n dlm satu show tu dia ad tnjuk la trailers citer ni. oh,oh. trus tersedu. sedan. taching. dasaatt x? Em. maybe xsume org mcm tu. As for me, im very sensitive towards all issue in familyhood.haha. familyhood? naseb la. tp serius ni. klu bab2 cinta x kesampaian, divorce, deaths. oh, tachingg abess :((
maybe sebab EMPATI ? meletakkan diri kita dlm situasi tuu?
yg paling terkesan... bila dia tulis,
fuhh :((
Done. excited sungguh.. Em, mgkin ad la part2 yg xberapa nk sopan. tp, nama pun cter omputeh kan? ignore je la. yg penting, INPUT tuu.
Alang2 dh buka official website tu, ley lak uat kuiz dia. hehe.
How Far Would You Go for the one you love?
The Glass Half
You would go pretty far for love. You’re still pretty practical even though you love being in love. You don’t go nuts over just anyone, but you’re fully willing to go the extra mile for the right person.
Dush.dush.dush. Dah. Nk makan. kang kena sambung study :(
Aha. pemalas. hehe.
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