Wednesday, May 30, 2012

AKU. sekarang. 30May 2012



Hari ni, ak tergerak nk tulis pasal aku. yela, sape lagi kn?
Memandangkan skang tgh cuti dan harap mklum la tgh xberapa nk memberangsangkn utk sgala aktiviti dan planning, ak mcm biasa la.

Seriusli, ak slalu berusaha nk berubah.
Setiap hari, ley kata ak bergelut dgn diri sndiri utk ensure the next day better than today.
Setiap hari gak, ak rasa ak mghadapi msalah slef-esteem yg mana, byk sgt kelemahan ak.
nk nangis, tampar2 je muka ni. selalu! 

Ak slalu jeles. Jeles gila dgn org2 yg...

- Jenis tak suka tidur ptg/siang. Kalau ngantuk mcm mana pun tak boleh tido
- Tak boleh duk diam. bila rsa lapang, dia rasa cm nak gak cari keje
- Suka mencuba. byk hobi2 menarik
- Berdisiplin

Em, byk lagi sbnrnya, tp at the moment. dgn motip ak uat entry ni. org2 yg ad sifat cmtu la uat ak jeles sgt. Menyampah! *positif puye myampah*

Yela. mana tak menyampah. sebab everyday, ak bergelut nk achieve bnda2 cmtu.
Diorg anggap bnda tu biasa. cm " ala, nk tdo zati, tp xdapat tdo and cm curse je.. "
Selain tu, diorg mmg kata, tak tau nk uat ap. diorg mmg jenis cmtu.

Seriusli, BERTUAHnya korg !!

Sebab, everyday aku bergelut nak jadi cmtu.

ya, ak faham. Org slalu kata, BE YOURSELF.

Org2 sekeliling slalu kata, bersyukur la zati dgn sifat ko.
Kalau dulu, time stdy, ak jeles gak. bila diorg yg jenis ley tahan mata drpd tdo la
*malas nk tulis. entry2 before ni rsanya berlambak dh pasal ni*

Okay, time exam tu ak jeles cmtu. tp, diorg , classmate, close friends akan kata..
" Alah, takpe la zati. awk tdo2 byk pun awk score jugak. sme je mrkah dgn ktorg ni."

Ye la kot? tapi, berlambak lagi org markah hebat2. dan usaha diorg..
Ak sedar sume tu berkat, redha Allah.

Tapi, nak la kita usaha sehabis mungkin, bru dapat bergembira lebih dgn results kita. Dan markah ak bukan perfect 100 pun ya.. cukup2. *Alhamdulillah*

*okay2, sila take note ya. Ak sedar pasal qada' dan qadar*


*lega lega*

Tau tak, rutin ak sekarang teruk gila, gila...

Everyday, pas Subuh. sapu2, kemas2 umah.. tdo. and bangun cm kul 2, 3ptg..
*dah 3 hari dah*

Pastu bgun2, mandi, solat trus makan. tgok tv.
Ptg, solat, matsurat, riadah ngn adik2
Mlm, solat. lapar. masak. tv. tv. tv.
then lappy ngn fon.

Teruk kan?

Ok, lupa. before nk tdo dlm kul 9lbey cmtu, ak akan baca buku2. Ad la letak tepi katil. selain tu, bca before tdo mlm. Mlm tdo kul 2, 3 pagi. Lebih kurang 10 jam gak la sehari ak tido.

Teruk gila? huhuhhu

Everyday, ak try improve. tp sedeh tau. bila dh tdo balik, mmg xde maknanya la nk tdo sejam ke ap.

K,la. sekian ~

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

my Dark Shadow


Well, well.

Sudah tengok. 28 May, 12pm.
Mmg kegilasss sungguh.

Dlm wayang tu, ad ak sorg je.. *em, kata 3. but i cudnt find where the other 2. and time beli tiket kul 12 utk movie kul 12 pun kosong. smpai cashier tu kna kompem dgn staf lain, on ke x?

Sungguh la gilass.

Selalunya ak la antara ter-awal. tp kali ni, smpai movie tu dh nk abes tayang bru tengok. hehe.

Nervous gk la kn sorg2. Org lain partner2.. Bknnya ap. dgn tachingg tak berteman lg. nk ajak adik, tp dia under 18. So, tgok la sorg2. Perasaan kelakar tu, ak sorg je la yg tau * Dan Allah.

Em, pastu kuar mkn Lunch kt McD Cheng dgn Syafiq

Okay. Next showing, surely not Men In Black 3. but SNOW HITE AND THE HUNTSMAN.
What a perfect couple. Bella (Twilight) and Thor.
*hav great memories on those two films
shall we? 31 May 2012? :)

Sekian ~

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Change is good. We go first.
*written at the back of a T-shirt

I hate your changes. Dislike.

Because, things that you used to condemn in which those critics were ruining my mood once upon a time, being something you favour this time !

What is this?

Old people would say, " biasa la tu. apa yg awak suka, dia pun nak suka la."

*marah sangat*



This is really confusing. 
Its okay when Im watching TV.
Okayy, when i boast about someone else.
Practically hoping to get married *as a matter of revenged?

Have a friend. Married. Being so happy. Blessed with Galaxy Note, golds, anything she wanted
Anyone to propose me?
I want to hav it too.
*The good sides revealed. but the other side? huh -.-

Zati, stop being so childish.
Stop wishing 
* yeahh, i want attention. i want to argue. i want to love and be loved. i want new fon. i want ! i want !

and grateful for what I hav
* its not enough when uve been doing sujud syukur evrytime after solat. improve ur good deeds and reduce ur negative sides

Talking is easy. Thats why, ACTIONS determine.

Stop talking, Lets do something !

*I was cooking before. the taste was 6 out of 10. huhuhu

And no matter how I tried to forget him, blamed him. It turns out the idea that

WE are okay

Saturday, May 26, 2012



Im not okay.

But. Its okay to be not okay.

Ive start to read again :)

Yesterday, i wish I cn buy few novels but its ridiculous? Knowing that u cn hav it half price in Amcorp Mall, then why shud I buy it at Popular? hehe.

At last, frustrated for not having any new books. 
End up finishing this super-helping information book

Men from Mars. Women from Venus by John Gray.
Ever heard of it but never try to read it?
Go ahead and try.

Its not bout relationship only. but, to know psychology of diff gnders.
and to know YOU

Im not okay. And i dont want to involve in any decision-making issues.

As far as im concern. I hate u ! For not reading the book. And dont even try to understand me.
I hate me. for reading the book but avoid improvise actions.

Okay then. Im not okay.
And i want to be alone.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

RE: Perfect Couples

Bismillah :)

Hey, cepatnya baca? and byk nya kali dtg visit.
Do u miss me that much? or just some kind of boredom??

"kenapa ingat kenangan semalam, sehingga lupa impian esok ?"
retweet from Hizzam

Ya la kn? reading this is so mind-resetting and inspiring.

Kenapa zati? Kenapa nak malas? and nak bersedih.

Fight for it ! For ur own happiness.

It is not matter in relationship, but also applicable for my academic.
*xtau sampai bila mampu maafkn diri psal SPM?

Well, Allah sent someone (either friend/lover/enemy) for a reason.
To learn from then, or to be with them until the end.

And in any of Allah's plan. tak pernah ada satu pun kesulitan yang kalau bukan untuk mendidik kita. Penah sekali, terdengar satu ceramah and yang paling aku ingat.
" Manusia ni lemah. kita ni tak bijak mana pun. Bila Allah bg kesusahan, nak blame Allah. Cuba cari hikmah di sebalik semua tuu. tapi, xjumpa. Last2. bila 10, 20 tahun akan datang. bru la kita nmpk hikmah yg Allah beri tu." See?

 in a relationship, TRUST.
and a friend of mine ever advice this;

Trust him/her if him/her can sees the sorrow behind your smile, the love behind your anger and the reason behind your silence.  

* err.

Ohmaiiii?? Cam dh melalut drpd tujuan asal? motip kabur tetiba. Harap mklum la. buat multitasks ni tak efficient sgt. kuikuikui

Apa yang ak nk ko tau.

- Forgive for ur past. but not, if u r doing it again.
- Theres a fine line between hate and love
- If any of my actions, being considered as unfaithful or else, u shud talk to me
- i cant afford any of unsensible feelings now. Sbb dah berserah abis. 

* okay, kang masuk entry lain*

Im so sorry. Please. Change is good. U go first !

Perfect Couples?


Sebenarnya, nak sangat update. but malas nk duk depan lappy lama2.
Tweet, tweet pun guna fon
*seronoknya dpt fon canggihh... nak SATU!

Oleh yg demikian, tajuk entry ni pun sbb tgk tgok Sitcom ni kt 702.
So true bout Couples.

*tetba rajin balik nk meng-update*

Ya, ak penat dah sebenarnya pasal Couples2 ni. Malas.

Tapi, sampai bila pun akan Couples gak kn?

Bila seorang lelaki dan seorang wanita itu kahwin, pasangan la jadinya. Dua hati menjadi satu.
*rasa nk demam panass. haha*

Dan, semestinya kena tolak ansur, understanding?

Tp, ye. aku mengaku. Aku selfish!

Tak nak faham org. nk org je faham aku.

Bkn benda susah pun kan?

Eeee.. nape la, kawan tu lagi mudah berbanding boyafren?

klu sakit hati, gurau over2, sah2 frust SANGATT dgn boyafren berbanding besfren.

sudah la sudaahh. oiyyyy~


Tuesday, May 22, 2012



Baru dapat tau. Rupa2 ya, semua tweet ak tu Amir baca.
Otak kosong sebentar,

xtau nak rasa ap?
Then, tetba nk rasa tertipu..

Tp, xpe la. sbb ak pun xuat privacy? So, ANYONE boleh baca. 
termasukla Amir yg dh lama ad sejak matriks. lgsung tak bgtau.
Kurang asamm.

Haishhh. Malas nak fikir.

So, the words i spoke out last time,

When. "being myself is easy" dh tak la kn?
Xtau nak lari mana lg...

Blog pun, org len boleh baca. Twitter pun, FB pun..

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bye2 FB


Oh, hari ni meroyan NAK TENGOK DarkShadow :(

Xtau nk tgok ngn sape. Released 10 May ritu. time exam Bio. nk kuar after exam, Khamis tuu mmg gila la kn? sbb 11 May ad exam Math. pas exam, ingat nk g tengok. tp buat aktiviti lain plak dgn Husna. xpe la.

Klu nk tgok wayang sorg2 kt KL, biasa je. xde hal langsung. tp kt Melaka, cm tachinggg la plak kn? HUHU.
sedih2. im a loner. ajak adik, 18 above cter tuu. So, ajak Syafiq Saleh boley tak? ibu xnk ikut.
Hm.. *tu je kawan yg terpk time ni* haha

Well, bye2 FB. sy skang aktif gila bertwitter. Yela kn? update setiap minit tu GILA kt FB. wpun ak rasa, suka hati indivindu tu la nk update setiap saat ke ap. klu ko x suka, UNFRIEND. senang cerita. ye dak?

Tp, ak sgt prefer Twitter. Ak follow org xbyk. n follower ak pun xbyk. Being myself is easy.
Harap xde la mana2 mkhluk yg sebok nk follow ak, tp tuuuuttt. haha.
dan ak online guna fon je, sbb wifi umah ad.
n best. rsa cm sedang ber-SMS !!
* ak sgt suka sms. dlu sebok nk cari amir. but now, sms dgn Twitter. lg best !! xde sakit2 hati reply nya pendek? or reply lmbt. sbb reason utama SMS is sharing :)

note: bkn tak suka sms Amir. tp, taknak la susahkn dia. Amir ad byk lagi bnda nk uat kan? dan Amir pn bkn suka sgt sms? dan Amir tgh nk exam? kan, kan?
Plus. kurang la dependance kt Amir. xsuka ke?? :)

Amir dh kembali ke FB. rsa xbest la. sbb masalah. masalah. masalah. dan punca masalah ialah AKU.

Ak TAK NAK jadi!!!

girlfriend gila nk stalk bf dia sndiri?

girlfriend jeles dgn aktiviti bf dia?

girlfriend yg sebok tagged bf dia?
(Klu dilayan, xpe gk. ni 'like' pun tidak. lg la down kn?)

so, i must say. Goodbye FB. and Hi ! Twitter :)

well, im new :)

Friday, May 18, 2012



Kecewa. Saat ni ak paling kecewa.

Ak tau ak xsempurna. Manusia tu xsempurna. Tak semua mampu melawan nafsu. Ak jua pernah terkandas dgn kemahuan nafsu ku sndiri. terima kasih Allah.

Tak hanyut lama.

Iman kdg2 naik turun.

Mmg btol. tp xkn nk jadikan ni alasan.
Ak harap ak slalu kuat.

Tp, ap yg ak lalui hari ni. btol2 ley uat ak hilang kewarasan.

Xpe2. jgn buka aib org zati.

Xpe. ak sendiri akn sedarkn ko!
Ya Allah. bantu ak.

Community service

Bismillah :)

Lama ke x update?
14 May yg lalu? bru je lagi kot.

Btw, hari ni. 18hb. Selamat hari ulgbln.

Community Service yg xseberapa teruk service kerana ad isu2 tertentu.
xperlu kot nk cerita kt sini. tp, overall. BEST.
boley ckp antara aktiviti terbaik yg penah ak join spnjg FSCC and also spnjg berada di CFS.

11 Mei, Jumaat

Exam Math. after abes, balik bilik. kemas2 brg. after zuhur trus kuar g Low Yatt. kuar g TS. Husna belikn adik dia fon. Terbaekk gila! HTC ONE-V

Mlm tu ad Induction tp xpergi sbb nk gi Appreciation Night utk IPTIM :)

12 Mei, Sabtu

Tggu ayh dtg amik brg. bkn main lama lg nk tggu. last2.
xg pun meeting. Mlm bru pegi. n rupanya, xde ap pun yg tggal utk ak uat. sedih :(

13 Mei, Ahad

Ke Rumah Solehah. Kanak2 HIV.
Bwa diorg jalan2 ke Jaya Jusco.
Belikan bju raya.
Spend time dgn diorg, mkn2.

p/s : xley nk share photo. Amanah. 

14Mei, Isnin

Pg2 lg gerak dh ke Melaka.
Zoo Melaka. Aktiviti menanam pokok, nurseri.
Jln2. Sightseeing :)

Ptg tu gerak ke Ismah Resort, Pengkalan Balak.
our room 510- zati- hanum-kai-humairak

Mlm, sesi Deruan Ombak- ad main2 tulis psl org.

15 Mei, Selasa

Water confidence! Banana boat :)
Peh. best gle! and haruslah kn mandi laut?
dan ak sempat swimming kt kolam renang dia. suka ! :))

Ptg tu, kutip2 sampah tepi laut.
Pun seronok! Angin kuat sgt.

Mlm ad AGD FSCC :)

gedik sikit :)

16 Mei, Rabu

Aktiviti. Game.

Byk sgt kalau nk certa. tp xpe. 
Memori sume tu. Insya-Allah, xkn dilupakan.


bff - zati & dira :)

Rumate :)
Before balik, yg ni paling suka tengok...

Solat jemaah, bawah pohon rendang berdepan  laut :)

Sekian utk Community Service. byk je lg gmbr. tp, cukup la. HEHE.


Monday, May 14, 2012

Applicable for me

Tertarik, terus share kt fb, twitter, and of course la kt sini.

Even baca ni je pun, dh rsa nk nangis. bcause his words explain all of my 'symptoms'.

Ntah berapa kali, ak sedar yg ak sedang termenung. and diam. walaupun, yela. ak ni kn bising. akan starts balik bercakap. tp, at the end of the day. nangis. heee.

Crying alone, i used to. and akan rsa 'marah' kt org yg uat ak nges cmtu. kdg2 psl bnda lain. tp dh dia org takhir yg uat ak mcm tu. so, dia la take all the burden.

i noticed, it seems to happen AT LEAST once in two months. kot? 

Recently, 4May, 5,6,7 and conclusion pling pathetic 7May after ak ad send msg kt someone around 2.58am, that day. Sedih gila... hehe.

bila pk balik, stil rsa luka tu. xpe la.

Dh lepas. n ak pun cm dh xrsa nk ungkit sgt.

what i can say;


Love myself and family more. Love my Creator most!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

IPTIM Appreciation Night


Again, ad appreciation night lagi. terasa diriku dihargai. 
yela kn?

"Kerana dirimu begitu berharga". HAHA

Sgt simple dinner yg complicated. relationship ktorg. satu team. 
Alhamdulillah. male, female won GOLD.
Pics :)

Intro : mestila jersey ksygn a.k.a no 10 

ziqah (penceria suasana) - aton (potential player) - mia (setter cantik)

spiker versatile! atty - diba 

photographer, supporter dan player yg simple hajar- zaleha

zati - faizah (skillful. pemerhati dan teamate yg sgt byk mmbntu)
syg sgt kt si kechikk ni. dia la pndorong smgt time dlm MEDCY. :))

Su- teamate terbaik. supporter terbaik yg slalu encourage ak utk spike! :)
pengantara gombak-cfs. HAHA.

iye. aku. captain yg xbrapa nk captain. haha
Alhamdulillah. ktorg ritu training dibayar. game pn dibayar. menang pun dpt insentif.
Alhamdulillah. RM1000. satu ribu! hehe


MK Appreciation Night


MK tu Mahallah Khadijah.
Kan ak ad jd hisbah-line up. Treasurer.

So,here are some pics.

Theme ktorg : Fairy*ies
and dpt award hisbah terbaik! HEHE

Roomate <3
Zati (Treasurer) - Husna (Head Pub&Pro) - Syaza (Asst Head Pub&Pro) - Nisa ( Head DnT )

Adira and me. <3

Alah. Lupa nak amik gmbr2 dgn Syaza. sbb dia ad minta kt Tiqah. Ouch. Sedih tetba. haha.

xdpt la nk tunjuk fairy wing ktorg.

Tp, suka :)

Im gonna miss my hisbah. especially, roomates :')

Final exam. Tweet!


Alhamdulillah. Syukur. syukur. Syukur.

Yahoo!!! Exam dh abes! Yahoo! mksudnya, dh ley grade dri CFS ni. Insya-Allah.
Seronok sgt perasaan tu.

Alhamdulillah. Xde la mudah sgt. but then, xde la susah sgt. Nama pun exam kn? Ad yg ley jawab, ad yg tak. Ad yg jwb fuuhh. laju. ad yg terkial2 nk generate idea. but the most important is, ive tried my best. my really best!! And for that. Im happy.

Well, its not about trying my best je during exam. This time, mmg study awal.(agak rajin inconsistent) 
dgn stress. lari balik umah. relationship :(   studies. last minute bru nk tau jln2 kerja math especiali probab, n mcm2 la. dgn bantuan dri roomate. husna, niza, syaza. dan of course la, penjagaan berterusan dri Yang Satu. seriousli, positif negatif sume tu resulted to a BETTER me. and ak yakin. better results. 

All in all. Syukur sgt. The best semester kt CFS.
result nnti, ak redha je. Sbb carry mark ak reali cm atas pagar. kalau krg sikit ley dpt A- tp ak dh usaha kn? dan rezeki masing2. Sudah bertawakal kpd Nya. Tu yg, totally happy! :)

* alah. xnak entry panjang2. tp yg ringkas pun agk pnjg dh kan? haha *

Twitter. Today, officially im Twitting person. haha.
lama gk la, then bru nk uat.

Zati Aisyah Azhar

hehe. still,pelik and cm. pehh. laju gle.
Untungnya kn? xpayah la bazir2 kredit nk sms ke mms ke. Tweet je! HAHA

And, thnks to Adira. catalyst uat twitter. haha.

Baktisiswa, then cuti.
Cuti. tough test for our faith.

Syaitan pun mesti tgh merancang utk kita. Kurang asam btol.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

much better

Bismillah. :)

Hm, xlama dah ni utk 2 last paper for final exam. nervous. ya la kn? it seems like this is going to change the future. wuhoo. 

Tp, chillax je. Sbb Allah dh tetapkan semuanya.

Dan ak hanya perlu berusaha.

Ada rezeki, insya-Allah. dapatla further denti. kalau x, wallahualam. Dan Allah lebih Mengetahui.

seriously, dalam beberapa hari. including that day during ak lari balik umah tu. Byk sangat fikir. dan dan jumpa satu konklusi yg terbaik. Biarlah ak simpan.

Kdg2 kita hanya merancang, Allah jua yg menentukan. Apa la nk di heran sgt klu kasih berubah? Perasaan mendatar? Hilang kesabaran? Sebab kita manusia.

Dan aku okay je. sbb ak sakit and bila2 pun aku akan tiada. Jadi, nk gunakan masa2 yg ad dengan sebaiknya. :)

Take care. Jaga iman.

Friday, May 4, 2012

exam week la oiyy

Bismillah :)

Dh abes paper EAW. ad DUA lg. personally, rsa cm teruk sikit kali ni. sakit2, emo lg. tp, xpe la. Sebab ak mampu hadapi la, ak dpt ujian ni kn?

Kdg2 mgkin ak cm merungut.. "aduh.. sakitnya..."  tp, bkn merungut sbnrnya. ak sedar kot ni ujian. but as a girl, yg suka bercakap and popped! terkuar cmtu. cuba tahan tp.. terkuar gk. Dlm hati, sebut Alhamdulillah. sakit2 ni moga lg barakah. hehe.

Sedar yg ak ni tak positif sgt orgnya. not dat kind of optimis. sori-to say la. but, i tried. again and again.

today, mmg rsa cm awful gle. i was crying with no reason? Em. okay. ad reason, tp kesedihan tu cm berlarutan2 dan over kot. tba2 rsa i need SOMEONE to depends on. n i called amir. tp, cmtu je la..

Hm, life is boring if I thought it that way. Cheer up zati !

Oh ya, perhaps i need more money. Money can buy me happiness. Novels, movies, foods. 
haha. And thnks. VAMPIRE DIARIES. i might fall in love with this Stefan guy. :)

p/s : cm sekular kn? nope. Ingat Allah slalu. mesti la.